Feb 14
50% Off 3-Day Pass (Or couples rides for the price of one)
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State of the Art

Explore Bike Share is leading the revolution on two wheels with state-of-the-art electric, pedal assist bicycles made in the USA by leading manufacturer, TREK and featuring the Bosch 3-speed turbo drive motor. Our e-bikes are an ideal fit for Memphis with its large geographic footprint and subtropical climate. Each e-bike is equipped with a spacious front basket, front and rear battery-powered running lights, disc brakes, adjustable seat, splash and chain guard, cell phone holder, and a bell to alert pedestrians. E-Bikes are great for climbing hills, and perfect for riding longer, further and faster.

Woman using Electric Bike rental Bcycle App in Memphis
Person  pressing the button on electric bike station Memphis. Explore Bike Share.

State-of-the-Art. Energy-conserving. Enviromentally-friendly.

Check out the station and dock availability in real time on the app

Tap the button to wake up the dock, then use the app to release your e-bike

Your ride will start after the e-bike has released

When you reach your final station, check your e-bike into the dock to end your trip

Listen for the 3 beeps to ensure your e-bike is docked

Color Code

Solid Blue

The dock is ready for check out.

Blinking Blue

The dock is attempting to check out the e-bike.

Blinking Green

Success! When you hear the two beeps, be ready to quickly grab the e-bike with two hands and firmly pull it back out of the dock.

Blinking Red

Oh no, there may be an issue with your account (expired pass, your last e-bike is still checked out, etc.). Contact customer service at 901-721-9006 for assistance.

Solid Red

The dock and e-bike is not available for checkout at this time for maintenance purposes.


Explore Bike Share Station Map

Electric bike rental stations map Memphis

Shelby Farms Park

Electric bike rental map for Shelby Farms in Memphis


What is Explore Bike Share?

Explore Bike Share provides a network of e-bikes (pedal-assist, electric bicycles) that can be rented on-demand from stations located around the city. The process is easy: you go to a station, pick up an e-bike, and go. Then put it away at another station when you’re done.

Who is Explore Bike Share for?

Bike share is for everyone wanting to get around Memphis, from commuters to shoppers to fitness-seekers to tourists. The e-bikes are safe, simple, and sturdy and designed for users with a range of abilities. Come as you are -- no special gear, outfit or shoes required.

Where can I go with Explore Bike Share?

As long as you start and end your trip at a station, you can ride anywhere you want to go.

What does pedal assist mean?

The e-bikes include an optional pedal assist feature to give you an extra boost. The optional power boost can be turned on using the power button on the top of the left handlebar screen.

How do I pay for my membership?

You can purchase a membership using a credit and debit card on the BCycle app, or this website.

What if I don’t have a credit or debit card?

Cash payment is available. Call our customer service line at 901.590.2127 for instructions.

How were station locations chosen?

We used a community-input process to find out where Memphis residents and visitors wanted to see bike share stations and combined that feedback with expert opinions on traffic and usage. Check out all station locations on the station map or the BCycle app.  We are constantly evaluating new station locations based on demand and user input. Contact us for any suggestions.

How old do I have to be to ride?

You must be at least 16 years old to use Explore Bike Share. If you’re under 18 years old, a parent or guardian must purchase a pass for you.

Can I reserve a bike?

Nope. Bike share is always in motion, and the e-bikes don’t wait. You can make sure e-bikes are available at a station by checking the BCycle app or station map in advance. Once you finish riding and lock the e-bike, your ride is complete. If you plan to stop and re-start a trip, we suggest our annual membership.

What if there are no e-bikes at the station?

We’re constantly rebalancing our stations to make sure they have enough inventory, but in a high-need situation, you can check the dock map to view the three closest stations with e-bikes available. The BCycle app and station map also provide real-time information on where to find e-bikes.

What if I need to return an e-bike and a station is full?

E-bikes can only be returned to a station with an open dock. If you arrive at a station that’s full, you can follow the instructions on the BCycle app to get 15 more minutes to bike to another station. Did we mention that you can always check station status in advance from the BCycle app or station map?

Are helmets required to ride Explore Bike Share?

Helmet use is encouraged, but not required by law for riders over 16 years old.

Does Explore Bike Share ever close?

Explore Bike Share hours are “all day, every day.” If we have to close any station during a major weather event or other emergency, we will let you know via email, social media or SMS. If you need to contact us with questions or issues about an e-bike or station, our team is available from 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help out.

Can my company purchase group memberships?

Absolutely! Please visit our group membership page for more details.

Still have questions?

Free Your Mind. Ride Today.

Download the BCycle App in the App Store or Google Play to start riding today.

EBS Rider in the Edge District 2
EBS Rider in the Edge District 1
Explore Bike Share electric bike rental station
Explore Bike Share Riding across Big River Crossing. Electric Bike Rental Memphis
eBikes parked at station. Electric bike rental Memphis